

Software information


Freeware (Free)


11 Aug 2014


Disruptive Innovations


Software Screenshots

Size: 48.88 MB

Downloads: 184741

Platform: Mac OS X

Review by Frederick Barton (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 11 Aug 2014

Creating a website involves something more than just typing and placing images in a text editor, but it can be that simple with BlueGriffon. Powered by Gecko and by Firefox's rendering engine, this web content editor makes it quite easy to create websites from the ground up for any user, from beginners to experts. It is available for all major platforms, it comes in various languages and it is offered free of charge.

The main user interface resembles an advanced word editor, but with less options. Despite its simple appearance, BlueGriffon provides many powerful tools, to satisfy your needs. Besides typing and arranging text, you can also insert images, music and videos, create tables, links and more. It is also possible to insert various tags, for existing or new lines of text. Once you select a tag, its effects will be visible on the same page.

Besides working in a "what you see is what you get" manner, advanced users may want to hard code their pages themselves. This can be done on the same user interface, but on a separate tab, which can be selected in the lower region of the window. You can instantly switch from the page editor to a source code editor. The code is generated automatically as you type or insert elements on the first tab, so you don't have to start from scratch.

Obviously, edited pages can be saved in HTML format. Due to the application's Gecko integration, the pages you edit will look exactly the same on a web browser. If you wish to make sure, before saving anything, you can hit a Preview option to load the current page on a browser and test its links or other elements.


You can edit web pages like normal documents. Edited pages will look exactly the same on a web browser. The application allows you to view and edit a page's source code.


Certain features are reserved for a commercial version of the application. When it comes to creating web contents, everything can be done much faster and easier with BlueGriffon.



BlueGriffon Awards

BlueGriffon Editor’s Review Rating

BlueGriffon has been reviewed by Frederick Barton on 11 Aug 2014. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated BlueGriffon 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential


out of 5